Category Archives: Projects

PaschalPlan 2005

Once again G.E.M. completes a further development of PaschalPlan 2005 based on Autodesk® Architectural Desktop 2005. Details about this project can be found on our Projects page.

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@LAST Software Ltd. Import of SketchUp drawing into ADT

Development of an application to import SketchUp drawings into Autodesk Architectural Desktop.

Drawings which were "sketched" in SketchUp are imported into Autodesk Architectural Desktop. During the import appropriate architectural elements like walls, doors, and windows are created.

SketchUp drawing

A drawing in SketchUp

ADT Drawing

The drawing after beeing imported into ADT.

SketchUp exporters

Development of several exporter plugins for SketchUp. Among thos are for example the OBJ, FBX, XSI and 3DS exporters.

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SketchUp Plugin für ADT

G.E.M. Team Solutions completes development on the first version of the SketchUp import plugin for Autodesk® Architectural Desktop. G.E.M. developed this plugin for @Last Software, Inc. See details on our Projects page.

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