FILE_DESCRIPTION (('hello pipe'), '2;1');
FILE_NAME ('', '2019-05-06T22:49:17', ('Bock'), (''), 'C#2Ifc2html', '', '');
/* local coords: */
#101=ifcCartesianPoint((0.000,0.000,0.000));/* origin */
#102=ifcDirection((1.000,0.000,0.000));/* X-axis */
#103=ifcDirection((0.000,1.000,0.000));/* Y-axis */
#104=ifcDirection((0.000,0.000,1.000));/* Z-axis */
#105=ifcAxis2Placement3D(#101,#104,#102);/* cartesian coordinate system */
/* unit-declaration: */
#121=ifcSIUnit(*,.LENGTHUNIT.,$,.METRE.);/* e.g. cartesian point coordinates */
#122=ifcSIUnit(*,.PLANEANGLEUNIT.,$,.RADIAN.);/* rotation angles */
/* ways to display: */
#141=ifcGeometricRepresentationContext('2D plane','2D-Schema Map',2,*,#105,*);
#142=ifcGeometricRepresentationContext('3D body','3D-Models VR',3,*,#105,*);
/* assign global coords to 3D representation context: */
#161=ifcProjectedCRS('EPSG:25832','UTM in band 32','ETRS89','DHHN92','UTM','UTM32',#121);
#162=ifcMapConversion(#142,#161,439949,5466152,130,1,0,1);/* base of local coords */
/* assign contexts, units to project: */
#181=ifcProject('1wSLiXHTr1re$_wDhHgF$P',$,'hello pipe project',$,$,$,$,(#145,#143,#144),#123);
/* 3D-body-context LOD 300: */
/* Stahlbetonrohr DN400 DIN V 1201-DIN EN1916-Typ 2-SB-K 3000 */
/* d1=400mm dsp=526mm t =75mm l =3000mm */
/* dg=694mm lso=100mm da=d1+2*t dso=543.8mm */
/* >lso<> < 3*(rg-ra) */
/* (7)*---*< l > ^rg =dg /2 */
/* | (6)\(5) >lso< | */
/* | *-------------*(4) ^ra =da /2 */
/* (8)*---*(9) | ^rso=dso/2 */
/* | (3)*---*(2) ^rsp=rsp/2 */
/* | | | */
/* (10)*--------------------*(1=11)^ri =d1 /2 */
/* y^ | */
/* x | LocalCoords */
/* -- * ---- * ---- * ---- * --<- o ---- * ---- * ---- pipe-axis */
#201=ifcCartesianPoint((0.000,0.200));/* (1): x=0 , y=ri */
#202=ifcCartesianPoint((0.000,0.263));/* (2): x=0 , y=rsp */
#203=ifcCartesianPoint((0.100,0.263));/* (3): x=lso , y=rsp */
#204=ifcCartesianPoint((0.100,0.275));/* (4): x=lso , y=ra */
#205=ifcCartesianPoint((2.784,0.275));/* (5): x=l-3*(rg-ra) , y=ra */
#206=ifcCartesianPoint((3.000,0.347));/* (6): x=l , y=rg */
#207=ifcCartesianPoint((3.100,0.347));/* (7): x=l+lso , y=rg */
#208=ifcCartesianPoint((3.100,0.272));/* (8): x=l+lso , y=rso */
#209=ifcCartesianPoint((3.000,0.272));/* (9): x=l , y=rso */
#210=ifcCartesianPoint((3.000,0.200));/* (10): x=l , y=ri */
#211=ifcCartesianPoint((0.000,0.200));/* (11)=(1) */
#213=ifcArbitraryClosedProfileDef(.AREA.,$,#212);/* declare poly as area */
#214=ifcAxis2Placement3D(#101,#104,#102);/* revolve-plane */
#215=ifcAxis1Placement(#101,#102);/* rotation axis */
#216=ifcRevolvedAreaSolid(#213,#214,#215,6.28318530717959);/* how */
#217=ifcShapeRepresentation(#145,'body300',$,(#216));/* as */
/* 2D-context M1:1000 axis-single line: */
#304=ifcShapeRepresentation(#143,'axis1000',$,(#303));/* as */
/* 2D-context M1:500 da-double-line: */
#407=ifcShapeRepresentation(#144,'plane500',$,(#405,#406));/* as */
/* product shape definition, placement and instancing: */
#501=ifcProductDefinitionShape($,$,(#217,#304,#407));/* with */
#502=ifcLocalPlacement($,#105);/* where */
#503=ifcFlowSegment('3K$fCymbLEdgFfgIJ5gCkl',$,'pipe',$,$,#502,#501,$);/* what */
/* assign materials to pipe: */
/* assign properties to pipe: */
/* assign quantities to pipe: */
/* assign connectivity: */
#801=ifcCartesianPoint((0.000,0.000,0.000));/* from-connection-coords */
#806=ifcCartesianPoint((3.000,0.000,0.000));/* to-connection-coords */
/* assign elements to project: */